*ACASVA Project Meeting* Queen Mary College, University of London Monday, 27 June 2011 11.00 Arrival, coffee 11.15 Welcome, apologies for absense 11.20 CVSSP's site reports 11.20 Framework and Taxonomy for Anomaly Detection (JK) 11.40 Anomaly detection results (WC, TdC) 11.50 New memory system with two-way communication (WC) 12.00 Break 12.10 Multiple Kernel Learning (FY) 12.30 Transfer Learning for Action Recognition (NFD) 13.00 Markov Logic Networks (DW) 13.15 Lunch break 14.15 UEA's site report (HQ) 14.45 QMUL's site report (ST) 15.15 Break 15.25 Visual cues for psychology experiments 15.45 Audio/Visual integration 16.05 Collaboration and publication plans 16.30 AOB 17.00 Date of next meeting Close