S3A Acoustic Binaural Room Impulse Responses

Updated: 05 June 2018
Contact person: Luca Remaggi <l.remaggi@surrey.ac.uk>

These data are available on request only via http://cvssp.org/data/s3a/. Access to and permission to use the data will be granted for academic purposes only and on the condition that the data is cited as follows:

Remaggi, L., et al. (2018) " Acoustic Binaural Room Impulse Responses", http://dx.doi.org/10.15126/surreydata.00844867

The following article must also be cited:

L. Remaggi, P. JB Jackson and W. Wang, ''Modeling the Comb Filter and Precedence Effects for Binaural Source Separation'', 2018.

Additional references requested in relation to specific portions of the dataset should also be cited in the same way. The dataset may be downloaded by registered users only and must not be redistributed.

Dataset 1: Vislab
''Vislab'' is an acoustically treated room at the University of Surrey. It has dimenions 7.79 x 7.73 x 3.98 m and RT60 385-306 ms between 500 Hz and 2 kHz. A total of 12 Genelec 8020B loudspeakers has been clumped on the Surrey Sound Sphere, having radius of 1.68 m. They were disposed at the equator of the sphere. They lied at an height of 1.62 m, and they were positioned at 0, ±30, ±60, ±90, ±110, ±135 and 180 degrees of azimuth. A Cortex Manikin Mk2 Binaural Head and Torso Simulator was employed. RIRs were recorded with a sampling frequency of 48 kHz, by employing the log sine sweep method.
[ Dummy Head Recordings (2-channels, zipped .wav) | Plan view (.png) ]

Dataset 2: DWRC
''DWRC'' is a meeting room at the University of Surrey, furnished as living room-like area. Its acoustics are representative of typical domestic living rooms. Its dimensions are 4.27 x 5.98 x 2.32 m and RT60 270 ms between 500 Hz and 2 kHz. A total of 3 loudspeakers were used, placed at a distance of 2.50 m from the dummy head, with angles of 0 and ± 27, with respect to the dummy head orientation. RIRs were recorded with a sampling frequency of 48 kHz, utilizing the log sine sweep method. The loudspeakers were Genelec 8020B and a Cortex Manikin Mk2 Binaural Head and Torso Simulator was used as dummy head.
[ Dummy Head Recordings (2-channels, zipped .wav) | Plan view (.png) ]

Dataset 3: BBC Usability Lab
''BBC Usability Lab'' is a room at the BBC research and development centre, in Salford, UK. It has dimensions 5.75 x 5.44 x 2.91 m and RT60 280 ms between 500 Hz and 2 kHz. A total of 5 loudspeakers were used, placed with angles of 0, ± 37 and ± 110, with respect to the dummy head orientation. RIRs were recorded with a sampling frequency of 48 kHz, utilizing the log sine sweep method. The loudspeakers were Genelec 8020B and a Neumann KU100 dummy head was positioned on an arm-chair.
[ Dummy Head Recordings (2-channels, zipped .wav) | Plan view (.png) ]

Dataset 4: Studio1
''Studio1'' is a large recording studio at the University of Surrey with dimensions 14.55 x 17.08 x 6.50 m and RT60 894-945 ms between 500 Hz and 2 kHz. A total of 3 loudspeakers were used, placed at a distance of 4.57 m from the dummy head, with angles of 0 and ± 27, with respect to the dummy head orientation (i.e. the head was at the coordinates [7.02,8.78,1.34] and the loudspeakers at [8.65,12.80,1.18], [7.12,13.35,1.18], and [4.71,13.65,1.18]). RIRs were recorded with a sampling frequency of 48 kHz, utilizing the log sine sweep method. The loudspeakers were Genelec 1032B and a Cortex Manikin Mk2 Binaural Head and Torso Simulator was used as dummy head.
[ Dummy Head Recordings (2-channels, zipped .wav) | Plan view (.png) ]