(email written to Southampton, 4/11/2014) Requires Boost ASIO Following Andreas' suggestion, I managed to get Boost ASIO working. It looks like the best principle is that the process that generates data (in our case, the head tracker) works as a server, and any user of data works as a client. So I've wrapped one of my simplest trackers as a UDP server. It now transmits bounding box coordinates as a string. The client simply reads it and displays in on the screen. I put a very basic client-server demo at http://cvssp.org/svn/s3a/Stream3/Code/Network My first face detector demo (which was wrapped as a server) is at http://cvssp.org/svn/s3a/Stream3/Code/Network/ViolaJones Both run in Linux. They should compile on Windows as well, but I haven't tested that. Please let me know when you manage to compile the basic client program under the first directory (above). Once compiled, all you need to do is run the server from the command line: server and then the client with this syntax client In the server code, I'm using port 8888, so if you run both programs in the same machine, the syntax for the client becomes client localhost 8888 You can also try to compile the face detector, but that requires more libraries, so it might be trickier. But in principle you shouldn't need to worry about that. If I compile it statically here, I can just send you the binary file and it should work fine for you. This program just requires a webcam. We're still working on the Kinect2 version, but the above should be enough to sort out the integration. At the moment, the face position is streamed in this format: [ x from (, )] For example, if a frontal face is detected, you get this line: fontal_face_0 [160 x 160 from (270, 206)]