S3A Dataset – The Vostok-K Incident

The Vostok-K Incident is a Naked Production for the S3A Project (EPSRC Programme Grant EP/L000539/1; https://www.s3a-spatialaudio.org/). Universities of Surrey, Salford, and Southampton, with BBC R&D as part of the BBC Audio Research Partnership.

J. Francombe, J. Woodcock, R.J. Hughes, K. Hentschel, E. Whitmore, and A. Churnside. Producing audio drama content for an array of orchestrated personal devices. Audio Engineering Society 145th Convention, New York, USA (eBrief no. 461), October 2018.

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S3A Dataset – The Vostok-K Incident

This data was created as part of the EPRSC programme grant "S3A: Future spatial audio for an immersive listening experience at home". The copyright is owned by The Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, University of Surrey, UK. Permission is hereby granted to use the S3A The Vostok-K Incident dataset for academic purposes only, provided that it is suitably referenced in publications related to its use as follows:

The Vostok-K Incident is a Naked Production for the S3A Project (EPSRC Programme Grant EP/L000539/1; https://www.s3a-spatialaudio.org/). Universities of Surrey, Salford, and Southampton, with BBC R&D as part of the BBC Audio Research Partnership.

J. Francombe, J. Woodcock, R.J. Hughes, K. Hentschel, E. Whitmore, and A. Churnside. Producing audio drama content for an array of orchestrated personal devices. Audio Engineering Society 145th Convention, New York, USA (eBrief no. 461), October 2018.

Additional references requested in relation to specific portions of the dataset should also be cited. The dataset may be downloaded by registered users only and must not be redistributed.

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