Mark Plumbley and Christian Kroos served as the General Chairs for the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) 2018 Workshop. The two-day international workshop took place at the Living Planet Centre of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Woking, Surrey, UK. It attracted significant interest, almost doubling the number of participants from the year before and reaching the capacity limit of the venue (150 participants, 62% from academia, 38% from industry).

There were two keynotes, four oral and two poster sessions, spotlight talks and posters on the overall results from the five DCASE challenges and a concluding panel discussion. Of the 44 accepted papers, 14 were presented as talks and 27 as posters. An additional spotlight talk and poster reported on the outcomes of the Making Sense of Sounds project’s own machine learning challenge.

Below is a selection of photos from the workshop.


Printed program front cover, showing the 'Martian Tripod', designed by sculptor Michael Condron, in Woking's town centre. H. G. Wells wrote most of his famous science fiction novel 'The War of the Worlds' while living in the town from May 1895 to summer 1896. In the novel, Woking is virtually destroyed by the attacking Martians.


The venue: WWF's Living Planet Centre in Woking


The venue: Auditorium entrance


The venue: Foyer / networking area


A packed auditorium


Keynote presentation by Hanna Lukashevich


Question time


Challenge report by Annamaria Mesaros


Break starting


Morning tea/coffee


Morning break: Networking




Lunch break


Lunch break: Networking




Afternoon break: Networking


Afternoon tea/coffee


Poster presentations in the foyer


Poster presentation in the auditorium


Poster presentation in the auditorium


Poster presentations in the foyer


Afternoon break: Networking


Panel discussion to begin


Panel discussion


Panel discussion


Panel discussion


Printed program back cover

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