A project overview can be found here.
Sound sensors for smart cities and assistive technology
Mark Plumbley gave a talk at the Connected Places Catapult in London on how sound sensors could support smart cities and assistive technology :
DCASE 2018 Workshop - Looking back
Mark Plumbley and Christian Kroos served as the General Chairs for the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) 2018 Workshop. The two-day international workshop took place at the Living Planet Centre of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Woking, Surrey, UK. It attracted significant interest, almost doubling the number of participants from the year before and reaching the capacity limit of the venue (150 participants, 62% from academia, 38% from industry).
Sounds and the city – Acoustic detection of open windows in indoor environments
Christian Kroos and Yin Cao together with Phil Coleman from the Institute of Sound Recording have been awarded one of University of Surrey’s Urban Living Award grants.
New publication: 'Sound event detection and time-frequency segmentation from weakly labelled data'
Qiuqiang Kong, Yong Xu, Iwona Sobieraj, Wenwu Wang and Mark D. Plumbley (2019) Sound event detection and time-frequency segmentation from weakly labelled data. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 27(4): 777-787, April 2019. DOI:10.1109/TASLP.2019.2895254
MSoS Challenge: Results published
The Making Sense of Sounds challenge results have been published.
MSoS Challenge: Extension of submission deadline
The deadline for submissions to the Making Sense of Sounds challenge has been extended to 5. November 2018.
MSoS Challenge: Baseline added
We added a strong state-of-the-art deep learning baseline in the Making Sense of Sounds. Details can be found here.
In the media: TASS interview - 'Can AI/robots create art?'
Christian Kroos gave an interview to the Russian news agency TASS on the question whether AI/robots could create art, sparked by his upcoming invited talk at the VII St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum (Saint Petersburg, Russia).
MSoS Challenge: Evaluation data released and submission opened
The Evaluation data set of the Making Sense of Sounds challenge has been released and the submission system is now open.
MSoS Data Challenge submission updated
More information about the submission to the Making Sense of Sounds data challenge was provided with this update.
Making Sense of Sounds Data Challenge opened
Today the Making Sense of Sounds data challenge was opened with the release of the development data set.
New publication: 'Sound Categories: Category Formation and Evidence-Based Taxonomies '
Bones, O., Cox, T. J., & Davies, W. J. (2018). Sound categories: category formation and evidence-based taxonomies. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1277.
New publication: 'Supporting audiography: Design of a system for sentimental sound recording, classification and playback'
Duel, Tijs, Frohlich, David M., Kroos, Christian, Xu, Yong, Jackson, Philip J. B. and Plumbley, Mark D. (2018) Supporting audiography: Design of a system for sentimental sound recording, classification and playback In: HCI International: 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 15-20 Jul 2018, Las Vegas, Nevada.
New publication: 'Sonic mnemonic'
Kroos, Christian, Duel, Tijs and Frohlich, David (2018) Sonic mnemonic. In: International Conference: Human-Technology Relations, July 11-13th, 2018, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
New publication: 'Large-scale weakly supervised audio classification using gated convolutional neural network'
Xu, Yong, Kong, Qiuqiang, Wang, Wenwu and Plumbley, Mark D. (2017) Large-scale weakly supervised audio classification using gated convolutional neural network. In: ICASSP 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 15 - 20 Apr 2018, Calgary, Canada.
Talk at Research Software Engineer (RSE) event: 'Here be dragons'
The project’s research software developer Christian Kroos gave a presentation at the RSE event ‘What is a Research Software Engineer?’ at the University of Surrey.
New publication: 'A joint separation-classification model for sound event detection of weakly labelled data'
Kong, Qiuqiang, Xu, Yong, Wang, Wenwu and Plumbley, Mark D (2018) A joint separation-classification model for sound event detection of weakly labelled data In: ICASSP 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 15 - 20 Apr 2018, Calgary, Canada.
New publication: 'Orthogonality-regularized masked NMF for learning on weakly labeled audio data'
Sobieraj, Iwona, Rencker, Lucas and Plumbley, Mark D (2018) Orthogonality-regularized masked NMF for learning on weakly labeled audio data In: IEEE ICASSP 2018, 15 - 20 April 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
New publication: 'Audio set classification with attention model'
Kong, Qiuqiang, Xu, Yong, Wang, Wenwu and Plumbley, Mark D. (2018) Audio set classification with attention model: a probabilistic perspective In: ICASSP 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 15 - 20 Apr 2018, Calgary, Canada.
New publication: 'Synthesis of images by two-stage generative adversarial networks'
Huang Qiang, Jackson, Philip, Plumbley, Mark D. and Wang, Wenwu (2018) Synthesis of images by two-stage generative adversarial networks In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 15–20 Apr 2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.