SpaRTaN-MacSeNet Spring School on Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing

4th-8th April 2016, Ilmenau, Germany

The spring school is now over, thank you to all who attended and who made the event a great success, looking forward to seeing you all at future MacSeNet and SpaRTaN events

The SpaRTaN-MacSeNet Spring School on Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing Spring School will be of interest to graduate students, researchers and industry professionals working in this fast moving and exciting area. The five day school is split into two components, during three days, a panel of experts will offer lectures and tutorials covering the theory of sparse representations, compressed sensing and related topics, and applications of these methods in areas such as image processing, audio signal processing, and signal processing on graphs. The remaining two days will be devoted to software carpentry, giving researchers the computing skills they need to get more done in less time and with less pain

The SpaRTaN-MacSeNet Spring School on Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing is organized and sponsored by the SpaRTaN (Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing Training Network) Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) and the MacSeNet (Machine Sensing Training Network) Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Innovative Training Network (ITN). Non-project members will need to cover the cost of their own meals and accommodation.

Important Dates

MacSeNet is funded under the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 call and is part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions — Innovative Training Networks (ITN) funding scheme: Project number - 642685

SpaRTaN is funded under the FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN call and is part of the Marie Curie Actions — Initial Training Networks (ITN) funding scheme: Project number - 607290