The international conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, LVA/ICA, is an interdisciplinary forum where researchers and practitioners can experience a broad range of exciting theories and applications involving signal processing, applied statistics, machine learning, linear and multilinear algebra, numerical analysis and optimization, and other areas targeting Latent Variable Analysis problems. The 14th LVA/ICA will be held at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK from the 2nd to the 6th of July 2018. The conference is organised by the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP); and the Institute of Sound Recording (IoSR).
Latest News
06/07/2018: The Best Student Paper Awards were given to (alphabetical order):
- Pierre Ablin, for ‘Accelerating likelihood optimization for ICA on real signals’
- Lucas Rencker, for ‘Consistent dictionary learning for signal declipping’
- Christopher Schymura, for ‘Exploiting Structures of Temporal Causality for Robust Speaker Localization in Reverberant Environments’
- 03/07/2018: Late-breaking papers published online
- 01/07/2018: Tutorial slides now online
Conference proceedings will be published in Springer-Verlag’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). More information on the conference and upcoming Signal Separation Evaluation Campaign (SiSEC) will follow shortly. For information about previous LVA/ICA conferences visit:
- 13th LVA/ICA (Grenoble, France, 21-23 Feb 2017)
- 12th LVA/ICA (Liberec, Czech Republic, 25-28 Aug 2015)
- SpringerLink timeline of past conferences
Important Dates
Submission deadline (extended) | |
Full paper submission deadline | |
Notification of acceptance | |
Submission of separation results | |
Author registration | |
Camera ready submission | |
University accommodation booking deadline | |
Late-breaking submission deadline | |
Summer School | |
Conference | |
Audio Day | |
Archived News
- 04/05/2018: Full conference program now online
08/05/2018: Call for Late Breaking Posters & Demos (submission deadline 23rd May)
- 23/03/18: Author registration open (deadline 6th April)
23/03/18: University accommodation booking open (deadline 12th April)
- 19/03/18: Instructions for submission of final upload (deadline 6th April)
- 19/03/18: Information on author registration (opens 23rd March, deadline 6th April)
19/03/18: Accommodation information (booking opens 23rd March, deadline 12th April)
- 30/01/18: Final call for papers (submission deadline 4th February)
- 16/01/18: SiSEC 2018 second call for participation (results submission by 1st April)
08/01/18: Submission deadline extended to February 4th (full paper upload by 7th February)
- 18/12/17: SiSEC 2018 call for participation
- 15/12/17: The submission system is now open
- 12/12/17: Second call for papers
- 08/09/17: First call for papers