Information for poster and demo presenters
Poster/Demo Presentations (including 1-minute spotlight talk)
Poster sessions will be held on Tuesday 3rd, Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th July. Each poster will be on display at only one of these three sessions. On the day of the poster, poster presenters can give a 1-minute oral “spotlight” presentation using one slide.
Posters: Each poster has to fit on a poster board that is A0 Landscape. Posters should be no more than 85 cm (33.5 in) tall and no more than 119 cm (46.9 in) wide.
Any sound examples should only be played through headphones. Presenters are expected to bring their own headphones and playing device(s). Loudspeakers will not be allowed.
Authors are responsible for putting up and taking down their own posters. Authors are encouraged to put up their posters at the beginning of the day so that they can also be viewed at morning break times. On the day on which your poster will be displayed, put your poster up using the velcro tabs which will be provided.
Spotlight presentation: Each poster presenter will have 60 seconds to give an oral “spotlight” presentation as an introduction to their poster. The timing will be strictly enforced: poster presenters are strongly encouraged to practice the timing of their presentation to make sure they finish in time.
Please prepare one slide to support your spotlight presentation. Please email the slide to the Poster Coordinators (email below) in both Powerpoint and PDF formats, with all fonts embedded, by Friday 29 June 2018. The slides will be merged into a single document for fast hand-over. It will NOT be possible to use your own laptop for the spotlight presentation.
Demos: We have a limited number of small tables and power sockets that we can make available for use near to posters, on a first-come first-served basis. If you would like to arrange a tabletop demonstration or other sort of demonstration, please contact the conference Poster Coordinators as soon as possible.
The Poster/Demo Coordinators are: Lucas Rencker (l.rencker@surrey.ac.uk) and Manal Helal (m.helal@surrey.ac.uk).