SiSEC 2018
The Signal Separation Evaluation Campaign (SiSEC) aims to be a large-scale regular campaign building upon the experience of previous evaluation campaigns (SASSEC, SiSEC2008, SiSEC2010, SiSEC2011, SiSEC2013, SiSEC2015 and SiSEC2016) to compare performance of source separation systems on the same data and metrics. The unique aspect of this campaign is that it is not a competition but a scientific evaluation from which we can draw rigorous scientific conclusions.
Download the Call for Participation:
Plain text
SiSEC 2018 will be held in conjunction with the LVA/ICA 2018 conference, where participants will be able to present their approach through a special session (this is entirely optional and is not required for participation in SiSEC 2018). There are two options if you would like to present your SiSEC contribution at the conference:
An extended abstract (2 pages max) may be submitted directly to Antoine Liutkus. Abstracts will not be included in the LVA/ICA 2018 proceedings, but will give you the opportunity to present your work at the conference.
A regular paper may be submitted on the SiSEC track of LVA/ICA. Please select the “Special Session: SiSEC 2018” label when submitting your paper (see important dates below).
Extended abstract and paper submissions are not mandatory for participating in SiSEC 2018. Visit the main page for detailed information about the challenge. SiSEC-related questions should be sent to Antoine Liutkus.
Important dates
Submission deadline (extended) | |
Full paper submission deadline | |
Notification of acceptance | |
Submission of separation results | |
Author registration | |
Camera ready submission | |
University accommodation booking deadline | |
Late-breaking submission deadline | |
Summer School | |
Conference | |
Audio Day | |